Cedar Centre For Legal Studies


Thematic Units

Thematic Units

Welcome to the heart of knowledge and exploration at Cedar Centre for Legal Studies – our Thematic Units. Each unit is a dedicated hub of expertise, focusing on specific areas of legal studies with a commitment to in-depth research, education, and advocacy. As we delve into diverse facets of the legal landscape, our thematic units serve as dynamic platforms for understanding, engagement, and impactful change.

1. Human Rights, Social Justice, and Legal Empowerment Unit: This unit delves into the intricate intersections of law, human rights, and social justice. It focuses on the protection and promotion of fundamental rights, exploring issues of equality, inclusion, and social reform. By incorporating a human rights approach with a gender perspective, we address the unique challenges faced by women and other marginalized groups. Additionally, we aim to break down barriers to justice by examining access to legal resources, empowering communities with legal knowledge, and advocating for equitable legal systems. Through research, education, and advocacy, we strive to create a society where justice is not a privilege but a right accessible to all.

2. Mediation, Arbitration, and Alternative Dispute Resolution Unit: In Lebanon, mediation and arbitration play crucial roles in the resolution of disputes, offering alternative mechanisms to the traditional court system. Since 2020, Cedar Centre for Legal Studies has worked to promote these methods for their flexibility, confidentiality, and potential to preserve relationships. The Lebanese legal system recognizes and supports both mediation and arbitration, and this unit aims to enhance efficiency and reduce the burden on the traditional court system.

3. Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE) and Rehabilitation for Victims of Torture Unit: This unit aligns closely with the objectives of the Cedar Centre for Legal Studies, which aims to foster a deeper understanding of legal frameworks and promote justice, human rights, and social stability. By integrating PCVE strategies into its mission, the Cedar Centre contributes to mitigating the root causes of radicalization through education, legal advocacy, and community engagement. Additionally, we prioritize the rehabilitation of victims of torture in Lebanon, recognizing the complex interplay of trauma on multiple levels. Building awareness and advocating for policies that condemn torture and support victims are vital steps toward a more compassionate and just society.

4. Comparative Legal Systems and Global Governance Unit: In an increasingly interconnected world, understanding diverse legal systems is paramount. This unit explores comparative legal studies, different legal traditions, global governance structures, and their impact on international relations. By fostering cross-cultural understanding, we contribute to a more harmonious and just global legal landscape.

Explore each Thematic Unit to discover a wealth of resources, research findings, educational programs, and advocacy initiatives. At Cedar Centre for Legal Studies, our thematic units are catalysts for informed dialogue, positive change, and the advancement of legal studies in service to society.

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